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Article: Ben Reyer

Ben Reyer

KAH Kitchen

The mediation online is supported on the one hand by the public archive and on the other hand by the KAH KITCHEN premises, which opened in 2021 and hosts monthly exhibitions. Consisting of a renovated factory loft with equipped kitchenette, our ambition here is also to create an inclusive inviting space by combining art and culinary arts.

Ben Reyer



The exhibition Sell Out by the American artist Ben Reyer is dedicated to the visibility and validity of brands in the 21st century. The exhibition focuses on typical communication mechanisms of the advertising industry supported by logos and lettering, without claiming interpretive sovereignty. In this sense, the viewer is invited to juxtapose Reyer’s reinterpretation of many domestic as well as international companies with the original and to balance striking symbolism with the truth of many a corporate philosophy. For this, the artist, who now lives and works in Vienna, swaps his collage techniques for intuitively painted, almost sketchy large formats on canvas and paper. In the course of the third KAH KITCHEN exhibition, Sell Out shows a completely new and as yet completely unknown facet of the now internationally renowned artist Ben Reyer.