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Post ab Hinterhof

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Article: Carlo Zappella

Carlo Zappella

KAH Kitchen

The mediation online is supported on the one hand by the public archive and on the other hand by the KAH KITCHEN premises, which opened in 2021 and hosts monthly exhibitions. Consisting of a renovated factory loft with equipped kitchenette, our ambition here is also to create an inclusive inviting space by combining art and culinary arts.

Carlo Zappella

Opening hours:

Do                                      12.00 - 17.00
Fr                                       15.00 - 19.00
Sa                                      12.00 - 16.00

Can an exhibition be a kind of Turing test? How can we save the world, yet still comfortably watch Netflix in the evening and come to terms with our own problems? What happens when people who are supposed to be taking pictures spend all day at the computer?

These are questions that probably won’t be answered in Carlo Zappella’s cycle of works CAPTCHA, but he shows computer-generated images he has been working on for over a year.

In CAPTCHA we see 6 main works in specially made metal frames and some secondary works. The images look pretty photorealistic anyway, showing worlds and characters you can dip in and out of.

VR stuff is there too.