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Article: Johanna Wakolbinger

Johanna Wakolbinger

KAH Kitchen

The mediation online is supported on the one hand by the public archive and on the other hand by the KAH KITCHEN premises, which opened in 2021 and hosts monthly exhibitions. Consisting of a renovated factory loft with equipped kitchenette, our ambition here is also to create an inclusive inviting space by combining art and culinary arts.

Johanna Wakolbinger



The exhibition show me your true colors, the artist Johanna Wakolbinger, who lives and works in Vienna, draws through painting and installation a sensitive web of emotions and feelings. Here the works function only as a medium of reproduction for sensations that seem to be non-verbal. Colors can be exemplary for character traits and feelings, but they are not limited to that, so they can be put into new contexts again and again through the intuitive composition. The starting point of each work is Wakolbinger herself, from where her gestures as well as typographic elements can not only be read in different ways, but are also found for the first time in earthly concepts. With her first solo exhibition at KAH KITCHEN, Wakolbinger feels her way through a parallel world of emotions that become decipherable primarily by means of colors.