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Article: Art at the Park 2020

Art at the Park 2020


Since the release of the platform in 2019, KAH has been present at national fairs and is increasingly positioning itself internationally. Indeed, our increased fair presence allows us to connect with collectors*, galleries, and other projects. Moreover, by representing young art, we bring more diversity to the existing range of fairs and at the same time offer emerging artists a potential market entry. By participating in fairs, we can expand our network beyond Austria and thus offer our artists the opportunity to become visible on the international market.

Art at the Park 2020



At the first Art at the Park, we will not only present prints from our in-house screen printing workshop, but above all we want to showcase the paper object works created especially for the fairs in collaboration with selected artists from our program. The realization of this series of works was developed by KAH and supervised during the creative process in order to provide the best materials as well as realization. The focus of this production series is on works made with a variety of techniques on handmade 600g paper, framed in a walnut or lime object frame with museum glass. The combination of low-threshold prints from our Printerhof range and classic fair production allows us once again the combination of accessibility and quality.