Artikel: Corinna Wrana & Ömer Faruk Kaplan

KAH Kitchen
Die Vermittlung online wird zum einen durch das öffentliche Archiv unterstütz sowie durch die 2021 eröffneten KAH KITCHEN Räumlichkeiten, in der monatlich Ausstellungen gezeigt werden. Bestehend aus einem renovierten Fabriksloft mit ausgestatteter Küchenzeile, ist auch hier unser Anspruch durch die Verbindung aus Kunst und Kulinarik einen inklusiven einladenden Ort zu schaffen.
Corinna Wrana & Ömer Faruk Kaplan
31.03 - 09.04.2022
Vernissage Donnerstag 31.3. 19Uhr
Donnerstag 10 - 17Uhr
Freitag 15 - 19Uhr
Samstag 12 - 18Uhr
In the exhibition "In:Consistancy" Corinna Wrana and Ömer Faruk Kaplan create a dialogue between commonality and contradiction, both through their artistic formal language, choice of materials and approach as well as through a reflected relationship to various topics. Both artists deal with firm and soft, loose and bound, stable and vulnerable in different yet consistent ways.
Ömer Faruk Kaplan uses a neutral format for the nubs that rise unequally in grids, are injured or close in on themselves. The arrangements of his relief-like panels, which play through the room like resonance bodies, result in an interplay of seeing and reproduction, graphics and sculpture.
In Corinna Wrana's sculptural elements it is abstract vulnerability that reminds us of our transience. She uses glued earth and puts it together into fragmentary forms. She also uses curves and loops which she connects with the existing structures of the exhibition space.