Nadine Nebel
Nadine Nebel (*1987) is an artist | illustrator | graphic designer from Graz, Austria.
(Oil) painting, analog and digital illustration and writing are the defining elements of her artistic activity. Traveling to remote places and regular isolation from the noise of our civilization help her to make life bearable. Parts of her work deal with this very topic: isolation, in the sense of retreat – but also resignation and a certain sadness are omnipresent in the artist’s works. There is a fascination for body images, (missing) interpersonal relationships, dysfunctional communication and social conflicts.
Maybe art is the only device for positive change.
art ≠ fun | art = existential
college for graphic design, Ortweinschule Graz | 2013-2016
Master class for painting, Ortweinschule Graz | 2018-2021
2018 - Meisterklasse für Malerei (Ortweinschule)
2021 - Ortwein Stipendium des Landes Steiermark
2021 - Anerkennungspreis Koschatzky Art Award