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Janina Serr


    Janina Serr

    Inspired by transferring sensations through images, she found her love to the fine arts and now mainly concentrates on painting portraits, which are developed through blind drawings. Instead of looking at the paper, she only focuses either on a photograph or on the person in front of her. She is intrigued by the bond, the special kind of seeing and understanding which results from keeping eye contact with the model. By letting her hand spontaneously and playfully find the stroke, her art is developed in dynamic and unpredictable ways. Blind drawing is her way to create works without trying to control the outcome. By letting go and just being in the moment she allows herself to feel close to the model. She gives her mind – the part that thinks, reasons, judges and always wants to categorize into right and wrong – the permission to become still. By giving up restrictions, by rather feeling instead of thinking, she fills the pieces with the model’s personality. Finalized with oil pastels her works end up in colorful and vibrant results.