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Elizaveta Kapustina


    Elizaveta Kapustina

    born in 1998, St. Petersburg, Russia.

    The artist Elizaveta Kapustina works in the fields of video, digital and analog collage. Since 2016 she lives in Vienna and studies at the University of Applied Arts Vienna in the Department of Graphic Arts and Printmaking.

    In 2017 Elizaveta started working on the project ULTRA, in which she creates surreal digital collages with photos of her own body mixed with abstract symbols. ULTRA’s images seem to be an exaggerated grotesque reflection of popular culture in the digital age. Works by ULTRA are about beauty and sexuality, often shown in a hyperbolic, ugly, sometimes frightening form.

    In early 2019, the project will be separated into two parts: digital and analog. The same principle of body participation also appears in the analog form. It might seem that all the objects surrounding the main character in this surreal world have no purpose, but the longer a viewer looks at the image, the deeper it engulfs the viewer in this strange new reality and everything starts to make sense.